Holding Insurance Providers Accountable
When a person is seriously injured in an accident or an individual or business enterprise otherwise sustains substantial loss or damage, an effective legal remedy almost always depends on the existence of insurance coverage available to compensate for the loss. This is because the legally responsible party is often without assets or income to fairly compensate the injured party. This results in a grave injustice when the injured party is deprived of the compensation for which the law provides.
As a veteran Massachusetts personal injury attorney with extensive experience in insurance coverage matters, Mr. Albano knows how to identify and trigger available insurance coverage and to effectively work with and negotiate settlements with insurance companies.
Connect with the firm today to get a proven legal ally in your corner.
Moving Swiftly To Secure Compensation
Mr. Albano works from the outset to identify and evaluate all avenues of insurance coverage that may be available to compensate his client. In many situations, multiple parties are involved in the underlying incident, each with varying levels of responsibility for the loss and each with different types and levels of insurance coverage available to pay compensation to the injured parties.
Leveraging Insight To Get Results
Attorney Albano, with his extensive knowledge and experience in insurance claims and coverage matters and insurance coverage litigation, works to uncover, analyze and bring into play all potential insurance policies and insurance coverages that may be available to fairly compensate his client.
He strives to recover all compensation that may be available under the law, including reimbursement for:
- Immediate and long-term medical care
- Lost wages
- Physical disability
- Other damages and expenses related to the incident.
Drawing on his vast legal knowledge and substantial experience with claims disputes, Mr. Albano has the ability to craft effective strategies that provide his clients with the best chance of securing a fair and proper recovery. Having compiled an impressive record of success in and out of the courtroom, Mr. Albano is qualified to protect his clients’ interests in negotiation, mediation or trial.
Speak To A Knowledgeable Attorney Today
Arrange a free, no-obligation consultation at our Springfield office when you call 413-353-3358. You can also reach our team online to discuss your concerns.